4th Annual Pediatric Endocrine Conference of Endocrine Society of Tamilnadu & Puducherry (ESTN) in association with Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP), Madurai Chapter

  • PED TRENDO 2024

    4th Annual Pediatric Endocrine Conference of Endocrine Society of Tamilnadu & Puducherry (ESTN) in association with Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP), Madurai Chapter

Emerging Trends in Pediatric Endocrinology & Diabetes
6th October 2024, Sunday, Hotel Courtyard by Marriott, Madurai.
9 AM - 5 PM

Vanakkam !

Dr. V. Kumaravel, Organizing Chairperson, PED Trendo 2024

Dr. V. Kumaravel
Organizing Chairperson

Welcome to PED Trendo 2024

The Madurai Endocrine Team of Endocrine Society of Tamilnadu & Puducherry (ESTN) invites you with great pleasure to PED TRENDO 2024, the 4th Annual Pediatric endocrine conference of the Endocrine Society of Tamilnadu & Puducherry to be held on 6th October 2024, Sunday at Hotel Courtyard by Marriott, Madurai.

Contact Trendo 2024

Dr. S. Sridhar, Organizing Secretary, PED Trendo 2024

Dr. S. Sridhar
Organizing Secretary