Name of the Society
The name of the Society shall be the Endocrine Society hereinafter to as “The Society”. The Society was formed in 2013. The 1st annual meeting was held in Madurai on date as Hormones2013.
- To unite all the practicing physician endocrinologists qualified and trained or otherwise interested and work for the cause of the science of Endocrinology and subjects from endocrine diseases.
- To propagate recent developments in the endocrine science and practice through periodic conduct of conferences, print and publish journals, newsletters or guidelines, avail the internet and digital media facilities for the same.
- To publish book for lay public, under and post graduate medical students and others.
- To meet regularly to decide on what other ways we can serve Endocrinology.
Membership & Subscription- Full membership - Physician with a post graduate qualification in endocrinology and/or trained in Endocrinology - Life membership Rs. 10,000/- only, entry fee Rs.1000/-
- Associate members - Physicians and basic scientists who do not meet the requirements of (2.1) but are interested in endocrinology Rs.10,000/- only as life membership & entry fee Rs.1000/- (They will have no voting rights and not eligible for election to any office)
- Student members: Medical and basic science students undergoing post graduate courses in endocrine or other related sciences.Rs.3000/- for the period of current studentship with an entry fee Rs.250/- only
- Corporate membership – Institutions and industries interested in the advancement of endocrinology – Rs 1,00,000/- only with an entry fee of Rs.1000/- only ( One time )
The committee
- The committee shall conduct the business of the society.
- The committee of the society shall be elected at the annual General body Meeting, or, If necessary, at an Extraordinary General body Meeting
- The committee shall consist of the following members: One president, 2 Vice presidents, One general secretary, One finance secretary, Seven executive committee members ( Who do not hold any other post ) and any number of patrons.
- President: The president shall preside over all the official meetings of the society and hold office for one year. A president is eligible for reelection once.
- Vice-president: The two vice presidents shall hold office for one year and will preside over the official meetings of the society in the absence of the president. The senior vice president by age shall be given preference in the same. Vice presidents are eligible for re-elections once.
- Patron - Dr.Kannan
- Founder President - Dr. S.murthy
- Vice Presidents - Dr. P.G.Sundararaman & Dr. Usha Shriram
- Secretary - Dr. Krishna Seshadri
- Treasurer - Dr. Shriraam Mahadevan
Office Bearers
- Dr. Suresh Damodharan
- Dr. Kumaravel
- Dr. Arul prakash
- Dr. Muthukumaran Jayapaul
- Dr. Nihal Thomas
- Dr. Sathish kumar